B. My personal conviction on giving to the Navs. (Cont'n)

17 I do not give to the Navs because (multiple answer allowed) OR Im giving now but if I stop giving NOW to the Navs the possible reason would be;
a I feel that the Nav work now is less relevant. 0 0.0%
b I do not see where Navs is heading (no direction). 2 11.1%
c I do not see a good conversion rate between money spend and soul being reached-out and labourers established. 0 0.0%
d I have doctrinal problem with the Navs. 3 16.7%
e I don't like the way Navs handle financial system. 3 16.7%
f The Navs is not transparent with its finances. 3 16.7%
g I feel that what the Navs wants is only my money. 0 0.0%
h I think the Navs receives funding from outside. 2 11.1%
i I feel I am not connected to any of the Navwork. 4 22.2%
j I don't like the lifestyle of the staffs 3 16.7%
k I’m not informed of the need of the staffs 4 22.2%
l I feel that the staff (Nav Representative) do not relate to me in personal level. 0 0.0%
m I feel that the staff should do tent making (work). 2 11.1%
n Some staffs let me feel like I am a second class Christian because of my decision in the past. 2 11.1%
o I only give to the one that minister to me and Navs is no longer ministering to me. 4 22.2%
p Its a hassles/difficult to send my support 2 11.1%
q I don't get receipts for my tax deductions. 1 5.6%
r I have priorities outside of the Navs. 8 44.4%
s My income is just enough for my/our needs. 1 5.6%
t I am helping my family/relatives. 3 16.7%
u I don't have income 2 11.1%
v I want to give but I do not know how to send my gift. 1 5.6%
w I'm a bit shy because I can only give a small amount. 1 5.6%
x I’m not led to give to anyone at all. 1 5.6%
y I have more thoughts, I want to explain. (Use the voice out box) 5 27.8%
Votes so far 18 100.0%
18 I give to the Navs because (multiple aswers allowed)
a I felt led by God 18 75.0%
b of my gratitude of the organization 12 50.0%
c I do not have any other ministry involvement 1 4.2%
d I believe in what the Navs is doing. 15 62.5%
e of my relationship with the staff 10 41.7%
f of the life’s example of the staff 4 16.7%
g someone in the Navs ministers to me 4 16.7%
h I consider Navs as my family 14 58.3%
i I am a Navigator. 16 66.7%
j I have more thoughts, I want to explain. (Use the voice out box) 2 8.3%
Votes so far 24 100.0%
19 My Present giving or my plan of giving to the Navs is (multiple answers allowed)
a on regular basis (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly etc) 15 65.2%
b when someone would ask me 3 13.0%
c when I see the need 13 56.5%
d I prefer to give to the staff who are in the ministry area where I came from 6 26.1%
e I prefer to give to the staffs that have personal relationship with me 12 52.2%
f I prefer to give to project or program 6 26.1%
g I prefer to give to the general fund 1 4.3%
h Actually. I have no plan of giving to the Navs/Staff until my problems with the Navs is resolved 0 0.0%
i. I have more thoughts, I want to explain. (Use the voice out box) 2 8.7%
Votes so far 23 100.0%
20 As a donor or someone who is considering to give to the Navs , how I wish (multiple answer allowed)
a I would really feel the partnership between me and the staff I am supporting, in the personal level, where I can also share personally from my side and be prayed for. 11 45.8%
b That my partnership with the staff/Navs is unconditional even if sometimes I fail to give or stop my giving for whatever reason. Meaning I would still receive news and communication same as when I was still giving. 17 70.8%
c. The Navs/Staff will be conscious of the ratio between the amount spent vs. the soul saved and the labourers produced. 6 25.0%
d. I will be kept informed of what is happening in area where my support goes. 15 62.5%
c I will hear the minds of the leadership, NLT specially. 11 45.8%
d that there would be a department who would maintain, update, and answer questions and help the donors to facilitate giving and receipting 8 33.3%
e the Navs will be transparent on its finances to the donors 11 45.8%
h That donors will also be consulted or be given freedom to express our opinion on certain issue of the Navs. I wish that there would be a kind of “suggestion box” where we are free to idenfy ourselves or remain anonymous. 8 33.3%
i the Navs would let me know the needs 7 29.2%
k that the staff would be an example of simple lifestyle 8 33.3%
l that giving will also be taught and practiced even among the students 11 45.8%
m that all Navs will give portion of their giving to the Navs 7 29.2%
n I have more thoughts, I want to explain. (Use the voice out box) 3 12.5%
Votes so far 24 100.0%


You can read it from the bottom up.

Friday, April 3, 2009

You've Put the Words of What is in My Heart

Mga Igsoon ko,
Gatulo akong luha in reading your emails today.
Firstly, thank you very much Ren for losening up and openning up. Honestly I dreaded the scenario that I will be push to choose to delete anyone in this egroup.. So I was really praying hard that love, tolerance, acceptance and embracing oneanother would prevail even if we have different preferences. .. Thank you too for your advice. BTW we are in Bangladesh not in Cambodia. But please do not let me stop thinking and praying for our root, figuratively, I will die if I would be disconnected with you people (hehehehe).. We doing fine in our adjustment, although we have to really burn candles in our language study. Its really difficult, they said Bangla is the next hardest language next to Chinese. We are also getting meaningful frienships with some locals.
Rub, you've put the words of what is in my heart...haay tulo na pud ako luha. How I desire to to see our CebuNavs community what you have seen in Acts, and what the Moravian C did a century ago. Yes all did their part to advance the Kingdom accoding to the role that God gave them. They go to place in group, some doing business some working and some and handling the Word but they as a community is creating an impact hard to resist by the locals becuase of the life the've shown as a loving community. This is actually the heart of vision of the Navs today.
Now how do we apply this in Cebu Navs community? We have a base Min. in Cebu and we are all scattered all over the world? I think what you are sharing now could be the answer.. Mga Igsoon, God is so gacious to us that He would open our eyes to the opportunity to be partners with Him. He blessed with people who can do fulltime min work. 40% of the fulltime Navs Staff are form CebuNavs, and 83% who left the Phils as Navs and went overseas with Missi... in mind .. are also form Cebu. I think we are beginning to see that He has also blessed many of us the capacity to earn not only for ourselves but most of all, to be His partners in the furtherance of His Kingdom. At the end of the day mga igsoon ko, its not how high we have climb the ladder of success that will give us "Life" but its the King and giving ourselves to the furtherance of His Kingdom that will. Our King has promised us that He came to give us Life and have it abundantly.. .As a community let's start living abundantly by being consumed with Him and His Kingdom..
Lastly di gyud ko maimutang kung di ko makaappreciate sa mga tirada ni Bay Venric... lupig pay abogado ug mga philosophers of the past.... Saludo na pod ko bay venric..y

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